SportsWareOnLine EMR for Athletic Trainers
SportsWareOnLine is an EMR that is helping more Athletic Trainers record, manage, and report Athlete Training Room information than any other program. Whether you’re in an educational, outreach, or professional setting, our software would benefit you! Take control of your paperwork and go home on time with SportsWareOnLine EMR Software by Computer Sports Medicine, Inc (CSMi).

1,500 Accounts

4.3M+ Athletes

7M+ Injuries Tracked
Document and Track
- Athlete Demographics
- Injuries
- Treatments
- Concussions
- Referrals
- Surgeries
- Equipment on Loan
- Medical History
- Physicals
- Inventory Supplies
- Track Training Room Equipment
- Medication
- Insurance Claims
- Doctor’s Orders
- Weight
- Phonebook – Doctors, Clinics, Vendors, Insurance Providers

Let’s Get More Technical About Our EMR for Athletic Trainers
SportsWareOnLine (SWOL) is a web application, so there is nothing to install on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. CSMi chose this approach to prevent confidential data from being left behind on lost or stolen devices. In addition, this approach allows you to access your data from any web-enabled device from anywhere in the world without having to download any software on that device. This is a common complaint with remote log-in software applications when “borrowing” a device.
With SportsWareOnLine your data safely resides on our secure servers, in an encrypted format, and is accessible whenever you need it. We recommend utilizing Google Chrome for optimal performance, but SWOL is compatible with the following web browsers:
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Internet Explorer 11 and above
- Safari
EMR Integration Partners
Insurance Claim Partners